Friday, June 12, 2015

The benefits of honey for your health

There is a reason for doctors to propose honey instead of sugar. This product is unique in terms of richness with healthy components - honey improves your well being, maintains you in young condition.

The healing qualities of the honey have been known since ancient Egypt. Modern science proves, that every drop of honey contains more than 70 quite important for human body substances. The carbohydrates, that are present in the honey(glucose and fructose), in comparison with common sugar, are easily assimilated by the body. And this stimulates muscular strength and normal growth. Especially this is important for children.

The enzymes, which are in honey, stimulate digestive processes and improve your metabolism. The honey contains proteins, which take part in hormone formation. Mineral substances, that are present in this product, regulate activity of nervous system, tissue respiration and blood formation.

Why to eat honey?

Honey defends your body from cancer and heart deceases. The main defenders are contained in honey powerful nutritional antioxidans - flavonoids. Doctors say, that if the heart sufferers would take daily 50g of honey during 1-2 months their general well-being certainly will improve.

In folk medicine honey is considered to be a friend of stomach. It can be a healing remedy for stomach ulcer and duodenum, gastritis and other illnesses of alimentary canal. For example, when stomach ulcer it is recommended to take 30g of honey in the morning, 40g during day and 30g in the evening 1,5-2 hours before the meal or in 3 hours after the meal in the solution of warm water. Honey has strong antiseptic effect. If to take it regularly in the morning before the meal, it will stop such illnesses like gastritis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis from developing. Quickly passing through alimentary canal, honey kills harmful bacteria and microbes, and helps to heal wounds on mucous coat of stomach.

Honey is irreplaceable against cold. Usually it is dissolved in milk (1 spoon of honey per glass of warm milk) or mixed with lemon juice (juice of 0.5-1 lemon per 100g of honey). Many people heard about such remedy as radish with honey. In the top wide part of well-washed radish little hole has to be cut, so that 2 spoons of liquid honey could fit in it. After you filled it with honey, put a thick list of paper on top and let it brew for a 3-4 hours. It is recommended to take radish infusion 1 tea spoon 3-4 times a day before the meal and before bad.

Can diabetics use honey

Honey helps to regulate level of sugar in the blood. Though, honey and sugar both are sweet and contain glucose and fructose, honey considered to be perfect nutrition for the liver because ratio of fructose and glucose in it almost one-to-one.

Honey protects you from skin disease and fights against aging of the body. When honey is put on the damaged surface of the skin blood flaw and outflow of lymph is increased. The wound is kind of washed, and that increases nutrition of cells and is harmful for microbes, streptococcus, staphylococcus and others. In cosmetic purposes honey water can be used for the evening washing ( 1 table spoon of honey per 2 glasses of warm water) - it makes your skin silky and smoothes out wrinkles. In combination with other components honey has moistening and nutritious effect on the skin.

Honey is an excellent probiotic. It improves digestion and restores microflora in the body, since it contains up to six types of lactobacillus and four types of bifidobacteriums.

Honey is a natural antidepressant. It is said, that people who take it in the mornings, easily fight chronic fatigue syndrome, which recently became widespread among people in big cities. They are less aggressive and irritable, less sensitive to different stressful situations.

Honey is good for brain. Instead of usual sandwich with cheese or bacon, it is better to it some honey in the morning. Protein food, for stimulation of muscle activity, is necessary for the body at 11-12 o'clock. From 7 till 9 it is much more important to get your brains ready to work. Honey is best in "charging" brains with energy, which is equally important for adults and for the children.

How much honey to eat

For the prophylaxis adult can eat 60-100g of honey per day in a few draughts, by dividing this amount to 4-6 portions. For the children this norm should be reduced by two times.

It is better to begin your day with a tea with lemon and honey, dissolved in 100g of warm water - in hot water honey looses its medical effect.
Such honey drink is recommended to take 30 minutes before meal, before brushing your teeth.

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